Welcome to Andorit GmbH in Freyburg

Specialists in the production of housings,
formed parts and Polyurethane components

Are you looking for custom housings or formed plastic parts? Then you've come to the right place! We provide comprehensive and competent advice. We are a medium-sized company in southern Saxony-Anhalt. Established in 1992, with a team of 16 employees. Our reliability, high quality and competence are what sets us apart from other suppliers. As a result, since 1994, we have been certified in accordance with the DIN ISO 9001:2015 quality standard and constantly striving to improve our quality management. Ongoing improvements guarantee smooth production processes, a high-quality product and, last but not least, satisfied customers.


At Andorit, all workpieces are
custom made.

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We are your specialists for polyurethane housing, formed parts and components.

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Product overview

Here you’ll find a selection of our products.
Find out for yourself.

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Reference Customers

Some of our satisfied customers